Isami Daehn: Survivor + Activist
April 29, 2023 / 2:00PM-4:00PM
Family Friendly
Isami is a subject matter expert on anti-human trafficking and child safety. She grew up in Japan and was raised by professional con artists. Her home was an unsafe place for children, as her mother became her sex trafficker at the age of 9. She currently lives in Las Vegas with her mission to be a voice for the exploited & abused and educate leadership on the subjects of anti-human trafficking and child safety.
PARENTS + TEENAGE CHILDREN are invited to come together to learn, talk and making a difference!
Youth will attend a break-out session with Call to Freedom and local, safe & trusted adults; SRO Jamon Harbert, Heather Fischer, and Tricia Gerlach to learn about healthy relationships, consent, and social media exploitation.
Freedom Flannels will have a shop set up. Proceeds from their sales help victims, like Isami, though the Call to Freedom organization.
SATURDAY, APRIL 29 * 2:00-4:00
GOSS OPERA HOUSE | 100 East Kemp Ave – Watertown, SD
-Free Will Donation-