2nd Annual Watertown Burger Battle

February 1, 2024 9:00AM-February 29, 2024 11:00PM

The Watertown Area Chamber of Commerce is excited to host the 2nd Annual Watertown Burger Battle from Thursday, February 1 through Thursday, February 29, 2024.

This competition is open to Watertown Area Chamber of Commerce establishments and not individual competitors.

The Burger Battle will be judged by the public with People’s Choice voting being done via wtnburgerbattle.com combined with blind judging via a panel of up to six judges.
Each person will rate the burger on a scale of 1 (the lowest) to 5 (the highest) in the categories of taste, appearance, and originality. These totals will be combined and averaged to crown an overall Burger Battle Champion.

Each business will select a non-profit organization for patrons to donate to with the purchase of a burger. We don’t just want to enjoy great food, we want to make a difference in the community!

We ask patrons to snap a picture of themselves and/or their burger, use the hashtag #wtnburgerbattle, and upload it to Facebook or Instagram as proof of purchase.

Patrons will also have a chance to win door prizes by completing Burger Battle punch cards! Completed punch cards may be turned in at the Chamber throughout the promotion.

Starting February 1st, cast your People’s Choice vote at wtnburgerbattle.com!

The Burger Battle winner will be announced Friday, March 1st at 11:00am .

Feb. 1 – Feb. 29