Prairie Lakes Wellness Center’s Run for the Gold 5K Run/Walk

March 15, 2025 / 10:00AM-12:00PM

Family Friendly

Run or Walk for the Gold at Prairie Lakes Wellness Center’s 5K Run/Walk on Saturday, March 15, 2025. Register online at PLWC.Life or Stop by the PLWC (1515 – 15th St. NE in Watertown). Early registration deadline is Monday, March 10. After that, the price will increase by $10. Race check-in and registration starts at 9 am with race starting at 10 am. Door prizes and awards to follow race. Registration and race starting point will be at Dempsey’s. T-shirt and medal for all race participants.

Age divisions: 15 and under, 16-19 y/o, 20-29 y/o, 30-39 y/o, 40-49 y/o, 50-59 y/o, and 60+.