Recycle Your World!
July 17, 2023 / 2:30PM-3:30PM
Arts and History
Join us in making our environment beautiful by reusing, reducing and recycling materials. Reading One Little Bag and One Plastic Bag will introduce us to experiences made possible when materials are reused, reduced and recycled. Then a variety of activities for “creating”, by using such materials, will be available, e.g. bottle cap murals, pinecone bees, toilet paper roll frogs and seed bombs.
Summer Youth Activities: Free programs for elementary age children at the Codington County Heritage Museum at 27 1st Ave SE Watertown 605-885-7335. Parents, grandparents and babysitters are welcome, too. Mon and Wed at 2:30 PM A different program each week, but the same program during the week. Check for program descriptions on the Museum website: